Friday, July 13, 2012

Rumbo al Capilla del Monte

Un boulder fácil en la zona del Huevo, el mes pasado
Tomorrow is Saturday and will mark five months from my surgery. In the morning Gaby, Cecilia and I will be heading out for two weeks to Córdoba. The plan is to spend five days with the inlaws, after which Ceci and I will continue on to Capilla del Momte where we will meet with Martín, Analía and Rafi for nine days of climbing. Gaby will join us later after she spends some extra time with the family. Unfortunately her shoulder is still bothering her, so I doubt she'll climb. This will be my first extended climbing trip in more than a year and a half, so I'm pumped (I spent some time climbing in La Ola a year and a half ago, with the botched resurfacing).
Ceci y Gianna te mandan saludos desde la zona del Huevo
I was pretty active during the month of June and I kept a record just to see. I'll write it up here, I suppose for posterity's sake. All in all I went for ten different hikes (not counting approaches to outdoor climbing), mostly using the trekking poles and clocking in over 45 miles total distance. I went roped climbing three times (twice to Paredes Naranjas and once to the Rutas del Bosque) and went outdoor bouldering twice (once to the zona de Aracnofobia and once to the zona del Huevo). My main other activity consisted of six different bouldering sessions in my home climbing gym. I really feel like I'm starting to get back in climbing shape and I'm on the verge of sending solid 5.11, something I haven't done in more than two years (I tried twice and failed to do this on two seperate occasions, in June and July). What I need to do now is get rid of some of this flab around my middle.
La travesía elegante de V0 "Arete with a view" en la zona del Huevo
Preparando sacar el paso clave del boulder "The Buddha", un V2

Me salió el paso clave, en la zona del Huevo

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